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St.Wilfrids Race for Life!
10th July 2006

The boiling Summer heat and hilly terrain of Brighton was not enough to deter nearly 4,000 participants, determined to ‘Race for Life’, to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Ayse Demirci from Solicitors Preuveneers LLP in Crawley, joined P.E staff from St Wilfrids Catholic School, to take on the challenge.

Ayse completed the 5 kilometer race in 50 minutes which she said: “Is not bad seeing how EXTREMELY hot and quite hilly it was! It was fun when it was over though, and I’ll still do it again next year!” said Ayse.

The total amount raised by the St Wilfrid’s is still being counted up, but with great support from staff and friends, there will no doubt be a generous donation made to the charity.

Young girls and women of all ages take part in Race for Life, the largest women-only fundraising event nationwide, and race for a range of different reasons. Ayse lost two friends to cancer at a young age and hoped to remind people that it can happen to anyone – at any age.

“On the back of most T-shirts there was a message saying who they were raising money in memory of. One lady was running for a 3 year old girl who had been lost to leukemia, which was very sad.” Ayse said.

“Two of my friends were only 18 and 20 when they both died from cancer, so on the back of my T-shirt it said ‘It can happen to anyone. For Janet and Michelle’.”

Since 1994, Race for Life has raised over £100 million for Cancer Research UK with over 2 million women taking part in the events. The target amount for this year alone is £46 million and aims to see 750,000 women taking part.

To find out more information about for char ity events St Wilfrid’s are taking part in see www.stwilfrids.com

For information on Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life vis it: www.raceforlife.com and for more details on Preuveneers LLP, local Solicitors in Crawley, see www.preuveneers.net

Ayse and Teachers from St Wilfrids at the start of the race

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